Monday, August 3, 2009

Heading Back To Haiti Tomorrow;Ethan & Tim

Ethan and I are heading back to Haiti from Santiago tomorrow and Cindy, Blake & Levi are going to wait it out a few days still in Santiago. Praying for continued healing and peace.

Well, of all the things we have experienced in the past week--I can certainly say with unwavering conviction that Ouanaminthe absolutely needs a medical clinic. The simplicity of our illnesses were made incredibly complicated by available medical care, distance for medical treatment and then just overall availability within existing services from either Haitian or Dominican health care at the border. Levi had the worst impact with a severe case of bronchitis that resulted in breathing treatments, 3 antibiotics (one of which was an IV) and that was with a fever for 7 days!

Entirely treatable, but to the average Haitian in a 4rth world country, typically fatal. Wow. That's reality and that's the way parents in Haiti have to live. Wondering if their child or children with live from day to day. How can you have joy in your life if you have to wonder every moment if the food or water you have been able to scrape up has been tainted with a deadly virus or parasite.

I have seen the market. I have seen the meats on the used card board being used to cut portion and butcher goats. Flies are the least of your worries even though the thickness of them on the meat can make you nauseous--it's all the unseen bacterias that kill. The smell is deafening.

These are the same parents that worship on Sunday mornings and experience the love of Jesus in salvation. But what is the value of salvation to them? What is the value of supernatural joy to them? What is the value of Hope to them? What is the value of eternal life to them? What is the value of relief from the pain and knowing that He will help them carry their burden? What is the value of being lost in worship amid the chaos at the border? What is the value? Absolutely no pun intended. It is priceless.

It is a short 2 hour flight from Miami, but a world away.

I am angry. Satan attempts and has tried to totally discourage me personally and our family as a whole from Haiti and sensing God's direction and call. It should make the entire Body of Christ angry. I have no idea why God has allowed the fire of the past week to burn into our lives, but I do know that we have to become vigilant and non complacent about not just the needs of people but the active prowling of Satan--the days are numbered for him and he knows it. Don't get me wrong--it is a right-directed anger. Not at persons, places or things in the flesh, but at satan and his attempt to destroy.

The world sees orphans, but the Father sees His children. The world sees dying and destruction but the Father sees victory and redemption. The world sees everything, but eternity.

Get angry and obey what God is already calling you to do!


  1. I'm right there with you brother. Love and prayers to all of you!

  2. Well said, friends....our hearts are burning right there with you.

    The task and call can seem so big, but nothing is too big for cliche as that sounds.

    Satan will hold nothing back in his attack when we seek and do God's will. We personally felt it in our attempt at adoption, the loss of Brighton and the helplessness we felt while in Ethiopia.

    But like you said, seeing the "helpless" worship like I have never seen before...PRICELESS. To feel God like that is more precious than anything material possession.

    We are loving you, lifting you up and praying for you.

    We are so greatful to know you and be touched by your family.

    Everytime we look at our Meron we remember how you helped guide us to her and the call of the orphan.



  3. Tim & Cindy,
    I'm thankful for the medical care that you have received in the past few days. I'm with you in that it's hard to understand why you've had to endure the physical issues. What's the saying "Lord, let my heart be broken by the things that break your heart?"
    What you have experienced, many Americans cannot even begin to comprehend. I'm praying that God will continue to use you to share with the world how His heart is broken every day.
    And I'm praying for your kids - that the impact of this journey will change them forever. We love you guys!
